Guest Episodes
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
In discussing gender and the Bible, do we lose what matters most? On FamilyLife Today, Dave & Ann Wilson host authors Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher--who untangle what the Bible says…and doesn't.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Could we be getting gender wrong? Authors Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher cast off the ways gender roles keep us from God’s expansive vision.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Authors Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher talk about the dignity and value of women. Hear how Fitzpatrick and Schumacher are raising their daughters and sons to embrace their gender and love the person God made them to be.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
How has the culture influenced your view of womanhood? Elyse Fitzpatrick, joined by her co-author Eric Schumacher, tells how her thoughts of femininity and submission changed through the years.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Authors Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher talk about the role of women in the church. Fitzpatrick reminds us that women typically comprise 50% or more of most congregations and to overlook their insights and spiritual giftings is to miss a great blessing.
FamilyLife This Week® Podcast
Larry Osborne, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson, and Randy Newman talk about sharing the gospel with members of your family.
FamilyLife This Week® Podcast
An idol is anything that takes the place of God in your heart. Paul David Tripp, Kyle Idleman, Elyse Fitzpatrick, and Gloria Furman unearth some common, well concealed idols in our lives.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Even parents who do everything right to bring their kids to faith have no guarantee it will "stick." Dennis Rainey, Ken Hemphill, Jessica Thompson, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Don Whitney share wisdom learned from experience.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson answer some of the most challenging questions for parents like, "What happens when we die?" "What is suicide?" and "Why does God allow natural disasters?
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Jessica Thompson knew deep down she wasn't a Christian. Her mother, Elyse Fitzpatrick, was clueless. Jessica tells how her life began to change when God's love finally pierced her heart.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Elyse Fitzpatrick talks about the pleasures of eating and warns us not to make food our Savior.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Elyse Fitzpatrick explores the connection between idolatry and our abuse of food.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Does good parenting produce good kids and bad parenting produce bad kids?
Guest Articles
Is My Eating Sinful? 12 Words to Help You Decide
A guide to help you make your eating habits more pleasing to God.
Obsessed With Being Thin?
Our culture today has influenced many women to see themselves solely in the context of how they look.