Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe
Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe, the founders of Happily Married Couples, help couples connect and communicate, so they can create marriages worth celebrating. Their marriage story and ministry has been featured on ABC News, The 700 Club, Moody Radio, The Huffington Post, Yahoo!, CBN’s Turning Point International, and more.
Jackie is a bestselling author and speaker who’s reached over 100,000 couples with The 7 Rings of Marriage. Stephana is a speaker and former homeschooling community director who currently serves on the Church Multiplication and Discipleship team at The Wesleyan Church World Headquarters. They’re also speakers for FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage events.
The Bledsoes, who reside in Indianapolis, have been friends since they were teenagers, have been married since June 2001, and are the parents of three amazing children — one in college, one in high school, and one in elementary.
For more information, check out happilymarriedcouples.com.