Guest Articles
Being in an ‘Opposites Attract’ Marriage Isn’t Easy
Our marriage proves “opposites attract” to be true, but it doesn’t come easy. Thankfully, we’ve learned we also complement each other well.
How My Meltdown Saved Our Marriage
For a while, expressing our needs was helping our communication. Until the day those needs were clearly in conflict. That’s when I lost it.
Can Marriage Counseling Improve Your Sex Life?
Before counseling, my husband and I misunderstood each other all the time. Which made vulnerability (and as a result, sex) difficult.
3 Easy Rules for Disciplining Kids at Grandma’s
“No jumping on Mimi’s couches. No snacks in the living room.” Welcome to disciplining kids at Grandma’s. But whose rules do you follow? Yours or Mimi’s?
How to Help a Spouse Struggling with Depression
Your spouse might find openness struggling with depression. But mental health issues don’t just impact the lives of those who have them.
How Motherhood Has Changed Me
I spent most of my 20’s trying to be someone else. Finally marriage, motherhood, depression, and my 30’s forged my self-discovery and acceptance.
The Enneagram and My Marriage
I’m Jenn. I’m a 9. If you’re a 6, like my husband, you’re waiting to decide if I’m knowledgeable about the Enneagram until after you hear what I say.
15 Ways to Be a Better Wife
I polled other women on ways to be a better wife. Because I never want to assume that I have all the right wife answers. Let’s see if our husbands agree.
Pop-Pop, Henry, and My Reasons to Remember
My Pop-pop told stories. About how my Mom-mom fell in love with him. About the Marines. Later I found out there were some secrets he didn’t recite.
Why I Decided to Foster a College Student
For one couple, becoming foster parents happened in a really unexpected way.
To The Single Mom on Mother’s Day
I see you, single mom. I know you’re out there and you may be struggling today on Mother’s Day. You deserve this day the most.
Why would Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Try Another Marriage?
This will be J. Lo’s fourth and A-Rod’s second marriage. What makes them think that this one will be the one that sticks? (We hope it does.)
The Gift of a Rainbow Baby
For parents who have lost a child, nothing will ever be able to replace that baby. But sometimes out of sorrow is the gift of a “rainbow baby,” the healthy baby who follows loss.
5 Ways I’d Like to Thank My Divorced Parents
Despite their decision to divorce, both of my parents made sacrifices along the way that kept my brother and me as their priorities.
Every Expectant Mom Deserves a Baby Shower Like Meghan Markle’s
One of the greatest lessons motherhood is teaching me is that I cannot do it alone. Baby showers remind us of the help we need from family and friends.
How Marie Kondo Helped My Tupperware Drawer … and My Marriage
At first I found the KonMari tidying method to be humorous. But my husband says it’s attractive to him when I clean and organize our home.