Jere and Laurie Short

Jere and Laurie Short

Laurie is a speaker, author, and stepmom. She has been in various forms of ministry for thirty years and is currently serving on the teaching team at Oceanhills Covenant Church in Santa Barbara. She is the author of numerous books like 40 Verses to Ignite Your Faith, and more than a dozen books for youth and youth workers. Her latest is Grace-Filled Stepparenting: Help and Hope for this Unique and Loving Role.

Jere has been a stepchild, stepfather, biological father, and single dad. You might say he has a rather unique view on what a “blended family” can look like. Jere is a Computer System Specialist Supervisor for the Santa Barbara County Police Department.

Jere and Laurie married 11 years ago and live in Santa Barbara, CA with their son.

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