Guest Episodes
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Author Jill Savage talks frankly about the challenges she's faced in the empty nest, including finding out that her son is gay. While they disagree with his current lifestyle, they continue to love him.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
How's your marriage since the kids left home? Jill Savage knows that a couple's failure to connect can lead to isolation. Savage shares some valleys she and her husband faced as empty nesters and tells what's kept them together.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Author Jill Savage talks about the freedom, and the challenges, of the empty nest. Savage remembers being surprised at how hard it really was to adjust to a quiet house. Hear some sound advice from a mom who's been there.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Sometimes it feels like "Just a Mom" is the lowest rung of the social ladder. But Jill Savage, Ashley Escue, Meg Meeker, and Karen Ehman tell moms that their role in their children's lives is irreplaceable.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Some decisions you make as a family. One of those would be the decision to adopt.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Contentment can be fleeting, especially in a culture where products are outdated almost as soon as they're released.
Guest Articles
5 Principles for Living With Less … and Liking It
Learning to be content with enough.
When to Say NO as a Mom
You can’t do everything. Here are nine strategies to help you set some boundaries.