Guest Episodes
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Men want to do things they feel they can do well. On FamilyLife Today, retired pastor and long-time speaker for FamilyLife, John Yates, breaks down the simple nature of prayer and how a man's prayer life blesses his family. Show Notes and Resources You ca...
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Many men struggle with praying. John Yates discusses why men struggle, steps to help, and how it can affect their whole lives. Show Notes and Resources You can find John's book on our shop: How a Man Prays for His Family Receive 52 Weeks in The Word by gi...
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Men want to do things they feel they can do well. John Yates breaks down the simple nature of prayer and how a man's prayer life blesses his family.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Many men struggle with praying. John Yates discusses why men struggle, steps to help, and how it can affect their whole lives.
FamilyLife Today® Podcast
Pastor John Yates tells of the benefits of praying for and with his wife on a daily basis.
Guest Articles
How a Man Learns to Pray
The first step in becoming complete is to stop relying on our own resourcefulness and recognize our great need of a powerful God.
Praying for Your Wife
If you want to pray significantly for your wife, stay tuned to her needs.