Guest Articles
When Your Spouse Suffers with Chronic Pain
Helping the spouse of someone in chronic pain? Give them hope with these ideas.
7 Reasons Why You Need Someone Else in Your Marriage
You want to find joy and delight in your marriage. But you’ll never be able to accomplish this alone in the four walls of your home together.
Unless You’re Weeping for This, the Church Will Weep with You
What’s the answer for the many who suffer quietly in the supposed safe place for the hurting–the church–yet go without the comfort of others?
How to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable in Today’s Culture
Disagreement usually sparks hatred. But when did disagreeing equate hating? We, as a whole, have forgotten how to respectfully disagree.
When My Wife Wants Sex … But I’m Not Feelin’ It
On the fourth night of the honeymoon, I was like, “Babe, I’m spent. Can we just cuddle?” You ever been there? Turning down the lady’s advances?
Why Your Kid Is Obsessed With Video Games
Video games offer a world for your kids where they are the ones with power. The lure is easy to see. But clearly gaming can’t satisfy these deep desires.
5 Reasons Your Student Shouldn’t Go On a Mission Trip
The nations are in desperate need of the gospel. The” least of these” are hurting, hungry, thirsty, unclothed, and homeless. The solution? Not my teen!
25 Things Husbands Should Start Doing
The following list is a great way to start loving your wife in a way that makes her flourish.
7 Ways to Know if Your Kids Will Choose Church in College
You’ve detected trends that are leading your kids away from church in college. But, let’s be honest. Kids do what they like. Why can’t that be church?
How to Train Your Boys to Be Men
I have three sons. My oldest still wets the bed. My youngest says two words. They’re just boys. How do I start this whole “man-thing”?
When Everything Is Family Nothing Is
What happens when society redefines family? Our teenagers are sorting through the wounds of a generation’s idea that family is whatever you want it to be.