Guest Articles

5 Generations of Fathering
My ancestors have kept His commandments and have passed them on to the next generation. Now it’s my turn.

Men Encouraging Men
I know the power of community and I know the emotions of walking this journey alone.
Things I Take for Granted
When was the last time you thanked your spouse for everything he or she contributes to your life?
Tribute to Alan Nagel
Tribute to Alan Nagel from his son, Todd.
Running the Race
What encumbrances do you need to lay aside in order to go the distance?
The Leap List
An automobile commercial provides an interesting reflection of the way many people view marriage today.
Redefining the Vow
What does “in sickness and in health” really mean?
Redefining the Vow? (Part 2)
Readers respond to a recent Marriage Memo