Creative Evangelism Ideas
Find 64 creative evangelism ideas from Cru college staff.
Find 64 creative evangelism ideas from Cru college staff.
Maybe you’ve heard of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.” Well—for a lot of people the hardest thing about talking to someone about Jesus is just getting started. How do you bring it up? Try a method called “Six Degrees of the Gospel.”
Talking Points: When They’re Moving In Together You want to talk to your friend
Prayer can be so much more than the equivalent of making sure we dictate the entire grocery list to Siri. Grab ideas to move your prayer life beyond “checking the box”–and further into genuine intimacy.
We’ve compiled 22 ideas to help you show your neighbors you care, complete with printable gift tags to tie onto all the holiday goodies you can dish out. Best of all? Your family can do them together. Win, win.
Gives tips for those ministering to students who are in blended families.
How do I walk through the gospel with a friend?
Step-grandparenting involves three generations of family members, and each person involved has needs, desires, and a stake in all the other relationships. This FREE chapter, “Building Love Together in Grandparenting,” taken from Ron Deal’s book, Building Love Together In Blended Families, explores these relationships from multiple perspectives, offering something for each generation.
If you are a military stepfamily, try these tips for managing the stress and maintaining the peace in your blended family household.
Tips for helping a newly formed blended family thrive.
Stepfamily life is chockful of challenges and rewards–but it helps to have a
map. Whether your remarriage was preceded by death or divorce, these overarching tips from blended family expert Ron Deal will help your family succeed.
This devotional helps redirect a friend’s marriage trajectory from moving apart…to pursuing each other’s hearts. Again and again.
Verses to pray at night (for kids and adults!)