Saved From a Life of Sexual Addiction
I was raised by my mother and went through many trials as a child. I had no model of fatherhood and never came in touch with a single, authentic Christian family. My life’s motto reflected the culture: “I don’t care about anything as long as I get what I want.” Is it any surprise that I grew into a troubled adult with a difficult personality and a life of sexual addiction that was out of control?
As a young man I not only met my wife, but also became a Christian. However, because of my sin of sexual addiction, neither my faith nor my relationship with my wife blossomed. I began to live a double life— a very religious person on the outside, with the appearance of a perfect life, but bearing hell inside of me. I had no direction and it seemed as though there was no hope for me. I thought I was too messed up to accomplish anything really valuable.
But that all changed. With Christ there is always hope, and God has used FamilyLife Today to transform my life.
A biblical perspective of manhood
By God’s grace, in the fall of 2007 I recommitted my life to Christ and was introduced to FamilyLife’s radio broadcasts on the Internet. As I began to listen to FamilyLife Today, my understanding of Christ and real manhood reached new levels. I heard for the first time about real Christian life, real Christian family life, and a biblical perspective of manhood.
Now I browse through FamilyLife’s online radio archives almost every day. I listen to broadcasts in my wireless headset as I go about my work and feel like I have one-on-one mentoring. Over the years God has been using FamilyLife Today to reprogram my wrong views of family and happiness.
I really enjoy Dennis Rainey’s and Bob Lepine’s on-air conversations. Their words reflect the truth that God engraved in my heart when I was conceived. Tears often flow down my face as I hear those two men share. Sometimes I’m convicted about things I was not doing according to God’s plans. Other times I feel released from lies. And through prayer, God helps me put into practice what I learn.
A new legacy
The province where I live in Canada is marked by the New Age movement and relativism. I must say that the odds were against me concerning my ability to become a good Christian husband and father.
My wife and I have now been married for more than 10 years, and our third child will be born this fall. FamilyLife Today is helping me defeat a generational pattern of destruction and establish a godly legacy for my children in a world where too few know Christ.
Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. Used with permission.