In his book, The Forgotten Commandment, Dennis Rainey encourages readers to write a formal tribute to their parents and present it to them during a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.). Following is an example of a tribute. Click here for more information on honoring your parents and for more tribute examples.
Tribute to Barney and Mardeen Berta from their daughter, Mary Jean Tures:
Dad and Mom, this is a special time in your life as you celebrate 50 years of marriage. Often I thank God for both of you and for the privilege of being your daughter. I thank Him for parents who have had a loving commitment toward each other and toward their family all these years. The selflessness of your actions in all areas of life has been a constant reminder of the attitude Jesus demonstrated. Thank you, Dad and Mom.
Dad, remember how you held three jobs—farming, Caterpillar, and piano tuning? Even though this was not easy for you, your diligence made it possible for me to attend SFA, WIU, and have a picture perfect wedding.
Mom, I am reminded of your honor, love and care towards Grandpa Charlie and Nona. I appreciate your sacrificial involvement and investments in me all these years. I will never know them alias my children won’t know all of mine. But, I do know some and never doubted that you loved me.
Because you loved me, Dad, you let me go with you in the wee hours of the morning to watch you milk the cows. Then, there were the times I got to accompany you as you worked so hard out in the fields.
Mom, you demonstrated your love to me by correcting my grammar, helping me with my homework, drilling me in catechism, and you were always there to soothe my aches and pains with Band-Aids, Bactine, and a heating pad.
I have vivid and pleasant memories of watching both of you work and learning from you as I helped. Thank you for the strong work ethic. I learned many skills and character qualities from your example. Dad, you demonstrated perseverance to me because no matter how you felt, or what the weather was like, you milked the cows twice a day, cleaned the barn, planted and harvested the crops, and even walked the electric fence looking for the obstacle which caused the fence to fail.
Mom, you taught me how to be a successful wife and mother which I am now passing down to my children. Remember when we worked together making applesauce, freezing corn and preparing those delicious red cherries. We also baked, cooked, and did all the other things that went into keeping up a house.
Growing up on a farm and having you as my parents provided many opportunities for me to learn respect for my elders, good manners, responsibility, hospitality, and commitment.
Another priceless gift you have given me is that of a good spiritual foundation. Thoughts of us faithfully attending church each Sunday as a family and many weekday mornings with Mom before school began are precious to me. You taught me the importance of God and prayer in my life.
I owe both of you thousands of thank you’s for Florida and Colorado vacations, Buttons the horse, Poco and Loco the parakeets, Duchess, Sport, and Raffles the dogs, Tuffy and Fluffy the cats, swimming and piano lessons, 4-H fairs, my education, help in moving numerous times, and for your loving care during my trying pregnancies. There is much more of course. Much more.
Thanks for being special grandparents to our children. They love and appreciate the gifts, letters, walks, games of checkers, Scrabble, baseball, and soccer, and Mom’s teaching them how to sew.
And so on this special occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary, some 40 years after you gave me the gift of life, I give you this tribute.
With a heart of gratitude, I give you my honor, appreciation, admiration, and my love.
Your daughter,
Mary Jean
Copyright © 2004 by Mary Jean Tures. All rights reserved. Used with permission.