Need a Summer Vacation With Your Spouse? 8 Ideas
Are you aching for a summer vacation with your spouse? Time away from the kids, work, and home to invest in a little marriage R&R?
Having hunkered down for months, we’ve all seen more of our homes than we’ve probably liked. And I don’t know about you, but having “VACATION” underlined, circled, and written in red on my calendar makes me really happy.
Kind of giddy, actually.
And I’d wager the thought of a romantic getaway with your spouse about now makes you a little (or a lot) giddy too.
Yet options are limited. International travel probably isn’t our best bet. Cruises are questionable. We also might have personal limitations—whether it’s our own or a loved one’s health, job loss, or even lingering social restrictions.
But maybe, with a little creativity, a summer vacation with just you and your love is still possible.
Here are eight ideas for a romantic summer getaway for you to consider. Maybe one will be right up your alley!
1. Take your summer vacation on the road in an RV.
Truly get “off the grid” together. In a house on wheels, there’s no one to interrupt you or even share a dining room with. You can travel any place you want and enjoy undistracted quality time together.
If you don’t own one (and can’t borrow from a friend), a quick internet search of “RV rentals” in your area will likely produce an array of choices—many for well under the daily price of a nice hotel.
2. Take to the great outdoors with a camping trip.
Who says a vacation has to be luxurious? If an RV is out of your budget, buy or borrow a tent or camper for a rustic getaway.
Check out camping areas near the forest, beach, mountains, or set up camp in your backyard. (I’ve also heard renting a yurt can be fun.) See what accommodations your local state parks offer.
3. Get away … by staying local.
Maybe there’s a quaint treasure of a bed and breakfast hidden from plain view in your own town. Or if a fancy hotel is more your style for a summer vacation, find one nearby you’ve never stayed in before.
Better yet, revisit a favorite anniversary spot. Or do a quick search for “romantic vacation” in your state.
4. Rent a beach house, lake house, or a cabin.
Perhaps you have family members or dear friends more than willing to lend you their vacation home. Or with flights as cheap as they are, why not travel to that state you’ve always hoped to visit?
Renting a house or a condo is often cheaper than a hotel. Especially if you utilize the kitchen space. But if renting an entire property on your own is out of the question, think about splitting the cost with one or two other couples.
5. Travel to as many national parks as you can.
This is prime time for outdoor discovery. Did you know you can purchase a “passport” to discover national parks? Each park will stamp your book when you visit. Your own state is a perfect place to start.
Just be sure to check which parks have reopened.
6. Swap homes with a friend.
Have you seen the movie The Holiday? Two brokenhearted women, one with a Los Angeles mansion, the other a British cottage, trade homes at Christmas for some fresh perspective.
What if you took a cue from them and spent your summer vacation in someone else’s house? It doesn’t have to be a stranger’s home, though there are sites to facilitate that if you’re game. If it’s mainly a change of scenery you’re itching for, ask if a friend would want to swap homes for a few days. Then explore what romantic sites their town has to offer.
7. Pop over to an amusement park—they aren’t just for kids.
Did you hear Disney World is geared to reopen mid-July? Any summer vacation including Disney is a huge win in my book. But if Disney prices make you see spinning stars—and not the magical kind—a number of other amusement parks plan to open their doors as well.
Keep in mind that you’ll still need to social distance and maintain mask protection. And go over the plan with your spouse before purchasing tickets. Make sure you are both on board with the risks.
8. Sail away…
Being on the water is one of the joys of summer, don’t you think? Instead of staying land locked, consider spending your summer vacation hitting the waves.
Do you live near a lake? Rent a houseboat or a ski boat. Do you live by the bay? Take a nautical sailboat expedition. Or maybe you’re nearer a river? Take a canoe ride. Whatever you do, let the cares of the past few months float away as you sail along with your love.
Although a romantic summer vacation might require some creativity in light of physical and financial challenges, there are plenty of ways to prioritize your marriage and enjoy a memorable getaway together. Even if all you can swing as far as a romantic “getaway” is shipping the kids to grandma’s for a night while you enjoy a frozen pizza on a blanket under the stars.
Besides, after months of sheltering in place, a little vacay might be just the marriage therapy you need.
Copyright © 2020 by FamilyLife. All rights reserved.
Lauren Miller serves on staff with FamilyLife as a writer in Little Rock, Arkansas, though she’ll always be a California girl. She graduated from Biola University and the Torrey Honors Institute where the Lord first planted in her a love for family and marriage ministry. As a single, she loves serving the youth at her church, watching British dramas, and reading a good book in her free time.