The Search: Who Am I Now?
From widow and single mother to second wife and stepmom, my soul suffered an identity crisis.
Survival Tips for the First Year of Stepfamily Life
Ten ideas that helped (or would have helped) my family during our first blended year.
A Healthy Stepfamily Needs ‘God-Esteem’
Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but that requires first knowing who we are in Christ.
A Time to Grieve During Stepfamily Holidays
Three helpful hints I use to navigate the holidays in my blended family.
Navigating the Holidays as an Adult Child of Divorce
At Christmas, decisions for an adult child of divorce become especially difficult, with both parents vying for your loyalty and attention.
Stepparenting and the Law
Even though the legal rights of a stepparent over his or her stepchildren is limited, love is not limited.
Parents Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Biological parents who find themselves caught between their spouse and their child should step out of the conflict as often as possible.
How to Cook a Stepfamily
I like to use cooking as an analogy to identify some integration styles that stepfamilies attempt to utilize.
Having an ‘Ours’ Baby
If you are planning to have an ours baby, here are some suggestions to consider for preparation.