Could past traumas impact your current relationships? Explore truer and deeper healing from trauma for healthy relationships now with Debra Fileta.
Womanhood is complex. Like a certain comic-book heroine, we can be strong, compassionate, and many other things all at once.
Feel misunderstood by your spouse, facing things alone? Mary DeMuth examines how women in the Bible shouldered their need to feel heard.
Can you keep real affection for your bf/gf without ghosting a friend? Balancing loyalty gets tricky. Bela Lemon & Reagon Fillinger share tips to keep your ride-or-die while still getting that date night!
Fear the unknown? Nana Dolce explores women's struggles in the Old Testament, revealing keys to overcoming fear and finding hope in tough times!
Men want to do things they feel they can do well. John Yates breaks down the simple nature of prayer and how a man's prayer life blesses his family.
Many men struggle with praying. John Yates discusses why men struggle, steps to help, and how it can affect their whole lives.
Is setting a boundary unloving or selfish? Lysa TerKeurst navigates tough questions in relationships, offering insights on walking away when needed.
Feel like once a month, you become the worst version of yourself? Radio host Sherri Lynn gets it—and is ready to talk about it with holiness and humor.
I Want to Punch You in the Face (But I Love Jesus): Sherri Lynn
Former NFL Seahawks quarterback Jeff Kemp offers four solid strategies toward a powerful, humble, and fearless biblical manhood that goes the distance.
Former NFL Seahawks quarterback Jeff Kemp shows what it means to receive your identity as God's son and drink in Jesus' perfect example of being a man.
Former NFL Seahawks quarterback Jeff Kemp tells his story of moving out of earning manhood and into confidence in what really makes a man.
Sherri Lynn, cohost of the Brant Hansen show, believes marriage isn't the only solution to loneliness. She offers wise ways to be single and content.
Authors Mark Gregston and Larry Fowler help you toss the stereotypes in favor of five ways your influence as a grandparent can go the distance.
Children want to be heard and seen. Ron Deal discusses with Dr Mark Mayfield about how parents can help teens with loneliness, purpose, and truth as they mature into young adulthood. Parents play a vital role to help navigate their overwhelming thoughts.
Elisha and Kathryn Voetberg, podcast hosts of Now that We're a Family, offer ideas to actively build a family of purpose and beautiful simplicity.
Having a brother with chronic illness, I've learned a few things that have helped him cope. I hope these lessons encourage and help you as you support your sibling.
You know your wife comes first. But that doesn’t mean Mom doesn’t matter. Here are four ways to honor your mother as a married man.
Lust: Women deal with it, too. Author Jessica Harris shares her brutal path through porn and sexual shame as a Christian woman—and defines a pathway out.
Lina Abujamra's life was suddenly nothing like she'd planned. Where is God when your heart's breaking? She writes of fractured faith—and a God who showed up.
How did Jesus view women? Professor Kristi McLelland unpacks ancient Middle Eastern culture to better understand Jesus' interactions with females.
What did Jesus think of women? Through the eyes Jewish culture, Kristi McLelland reveals how Jesus was radically empowering and compassionate toward women.
Parents face devastating loss when alienated from their children due to a former spouse. But there is hope for redemption! Dr. Richard Marks shares his story with Ron Deal of re-connecting with his mom as an adult and enjoying a thriving relationship with her.
There can be a lot of trouble meshing our relationship with Jesus and today's dating scene, especially when you factor in our phones, social media, sex, and how to communicate without being super awkward.
Ever feel weird in your own skin? On Real Life Loading... Shelby Abbott talks with Author Sam Allberry chats openly about sex, identity, shame, and what God has to say about our bodies.
What does the Bible say about birth control? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host theologian Wayne Grudem, who explores God’s Word about tricky ethics surrounding contraception and fertility.
Hospitality sounds exhausting. But author Carolyn Lacey knows hospitality can be extraordinary and oh-so-ordinary, welcoming people as God welcomes us.
Real Life Loading podcast host Shelby Abbott knows what young adults sinking with doubt and anxiety--crave from the Church. Could you help?
Real Life Loading podcast host Shelby Abbott knows his podcast isn't the only work in progress. His life story reminds him Jesus is all about the process.