The intersection of marriage & parenting often creates tension for stepcouples. Listen to Ron Deal & Gayla Grace give input on how to become a parenting team as you face guilt, fear, ambiguity, different parenting styles, co-parent struggles, and more.
Do you and your spouse want to be better together? FamilyLife President David Robbins, and his wife Meg, share a surprise source for strength in your marriage, on FamilyLife Today.
Find freedom in a healthy relationship with David & Meg and Shelby Abbott. Uncover tips on how to rewrite your story. It's never too late!
Author and professor Nancy Pearcey explores sociological data to uncover why it's open season on masculinity—and the surprising role of Christian men.
Author and professor Nancy Pearcey uncovers why the script for masculinity turned toxic—and how Christianity reconciles the war between the sexes.
Calling: Is it just about a vocation? Author Don Everts about discovering your gifts—and the everyday purposes blooming from knowing how you're made.
Family, friends, spouses: Can they be a case of familiarity breeds contempt? Author Don Everts uncovers the power of staying amazed by your spouse & others.
God created sex in marriage to be shared, not withheld.
How do we define the roles in our household? Joe Rigney gives us insight by using an easy 3 sentence framework.
The roles of men and women in the church are so much more than stereotypes. Professor and author Kevin DeYoung dives into hard questions about gender roles.
In raising kids, what do biblical masculinity and femininity look like? Professor and author Kevin DeYoung explores why gender matters to God.
Can being a “submissive” wife also mean “strong”? Professor and author Kevin DeYoung tackles tough questions about marital roles.
Professor and author Kevin DeYoung knows men can be dictators or doormats. How can men initiate spiritual growth in ways compelling and compassionate?
Hollywood and fairy tales tell us that marriage means "Happily Ever After." But as Dennis and Barbara Rainey, and Jim and Carol Shores explain, there's much more to marriage than a catchy tagline.
What does it mean to be a man in your marriage? Dave Wilson shares not only what it means to be a godly husband, but also what wives need in a husband.
How do you define manhood? What source do you use? Dave Wilson clearly defines the difference between a boy and a man and why that distinction is important.
Whether you really like your spouse or you aren't feeling anything, Aaron and Jamie Ivey assert that "choosing together" in marriage is surprisingly beautiful. Listen as they share about complementing one another with purpose.
Triggers in marriage can take many forms, but there's hope! Guy and Amber Lia share insight on communication and the fulfillment we find in Christ.
How can we be outward focused and winsome to our friends and neighbors if we are constantly fighting each other? Guy and Amber Lia speak about how to deal with conflict and reflect Christ's love to one another.
Why are some of our biggest triggers exposed in our marriage relationship, and what do we do about them? Guy and Amber Lia real-life examples of hurt and healing.
Did you know that there are different seasons common to all marriages? Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe talk about the patterns all couples face, the ups and downs, and how it's all worth fighting for.
What's more important than the ring in a marriage engagement? Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe explain what they wish they hadn't learned the hard way.
Gary Thomas encourages husbands and wives to love their spouses by eliminating the things in their marriage that irritate them. He describes what it takes to deepen intimacy in marriage.
Women and men are different, right? Ann Wilson punctuates that obvious point with a resounding "YES" as she exhorts wives to use the power of their femininity to build up their husbands.
Conflict happens, but what do you do with it? Dave and Ann Wilson relay a story of their most epic disagreement. Lou Priolo deconstructs the root cause of conflict and helps us see our sin.
Do you ever struggle with knowing how to best reach your introverted child? Holley Gerth coaches parents on how to love and understand your introverted child.
Are you or your spouse introverted? Join hosts Dave and Ann Wilson on FamilyLife Today as they talk with author Holley Gerth about celebrating the spouse God has given us.
Are you, or someone you love, an introvert? Holley Gerth talks about the misconceptions and surprising truth of what it really means to be an introvert.
Dr. Marcus Warner and Reverend Chris Coursey reveal four habits to make your marriage happier.