Understanding the Deeper Purposes of Sex
Until we understand why God created sex, we won’t make sense of His commands regarding sexual purity, for His commands always relate to His purposes.

How Do I Make Love With Children Wrapped Around My Knees?
With a little creativity, you can plan some innovative romantic excursions at home.

Understanding Your Romantic Style
You probably fall into a pattern when it comes to romance. Here’s help in understanding what you prefer … and even more important, what your spouse desires.

Strategic Romance
Promoting passion in your relationship.

So the Romance Doesn’t Die
Don’t mistake passionate love for romantic love; only one goes the distance.

When Romance Is Gone
In our busy world, it’s easy for the feeling of romance to fade away. Take some steps this week to enhance or reignite romance in your marriage.

When a Man Loves a Woman
A woman has seven basic needs that a man must learn to meet if he desires to love her as fully as God intended.

Sex Is a Reflection of Oneness
Difficulties in a couple’s sex life often reflect deeper issues in their relationship.

Have You Lost that Lovin’ Feeling?
My husband and I lost our romantic spark, and our sense of adventure and fun. We got off track and stopped caring about each other.

What Does God Think About Sex?
The Song of Solomon provides an excellent description of God’s intention for sex between a husband and wife.

Great Dates
It’s easy for a married couple to get into ruts—doing the same things together, year after year. Here are some ideas on how to plan a date night.

How Can I Increase Romance and Non-sexual Intimacy in My Marriage?
The foundation of a marriage is a commitment of unconditional love. Romance is an outward expression of that love … and a thermometer of your relationship.