Day 14: Your Marriage’s Secret Weapon
To everything there is a season . . . A time to weep, and a time to laugh.
—Ecclesiastes 3: 1,4
Essayist Agnes Repplier wrote, “We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.” Humor has a way of connecting people. Melting ice. Drawing us instantly closer.
It can be your marriage’s secret weapon, too—instantly lightening whatever you’re carrying, skillfully dismantling tension (when used wisely), and building positive rapport in tight times. Without it, it’s all too easy to dissolve into cynicism and coldness, even isolation.
Humor used correctly—rather than to belittle, as veiled criticism, or as cutting sarcasm—tears down walls, rather than each other.
So send him that YouTube clip. Swipe a little spaghetti sauce on her cheek. And follow in the footsteps of the Creator of laughter, doling out joy even in the toughest times.
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Ask God to show you ways to keep the fun and laughter in your marriage.
She prays: Thank God for the gift of laughter, praying that your happiness together will reflect the love of Christ.
Going Deeper
Christian comedian Tim Hawkins would tell you, “It’s not like I have a choice. Comedy is my only life skill.” Enjoy a good, clean laugh together as he guests on FamilyLife Today®.