Day 15: Second Place Wins!
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
—Philippians 2:3–4
Selfishness is just easier, y’know?
We want things to go our way and not have to mess with what others are feeling.
That gratification is usually short-lived. But the consequences are not. Selfishness drives others away and hamstrings even our best relationships.
But the Holy Spirit carries the power to transform our natural selfishness. Service is one of His best antidotes—and your marriage is the ideal place to work it out. Serving your spouse with love, happiness, and creativity communicates their happiness means more to you than your own.
The humility of selflessness builds tenacity and strength in any marriage.
(Speaking of tenacity: You made it! You’re halfway through the Oneness Challenge. Who knows what effects these prayers will have that are far beyond what you can see?)
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Ask God to help you tame your selfish nature and to put the needs of your wife above your own.
She prays: Likewise, ask God to help you tame your selfish nature and to put the needs of your husband above your own.
Going Deeper
Grab counselor and author Dr. Larry Crabb’s ideas about defeating selfishness in your relationship