Day 17: When Bad Things Happen

The Lord is good . . . he knows those who take refuge in him.
—Nahum 1:7

It’s good that all those marriage vows—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health—expect tough times.

Because it’s hardest to keep them when the worse arrives, the sickness consumes, and the poorer part finds you scraping the bottom of a can of beans (again).

Those vows sent you into marriage with a pledge to be “all in” even when things get dicey or downright hard.

Hardship is a given. But will you face it as allies—or enemies? Lean into your God-given partner, even when everything around you seeks to yank you apart.

Praying together for our marriage

He prays: Ask God to strengthen your union, even in the midst of hard times.

She prays: Ask God to energize you both so you will continue to invest in each other, especially when facing hardship together.

Going Deeper

Need some encouragement for your particular tough times? Check out our collection of articles for marriages battling tough situations.

◀︎ View Day 16: I Choose Us!