Day 19: Let It Go, Let It Go
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.
—Proverbs 19:11
She left the toothpaste cap off. He placed the toilet paper roll upside down. She always talks to his mother in that tone. He was late for dinner again. The never-ending list of small annoyances makes life together a hard thing to endure sometimes, especially when it’s a repeated offense that you’ve discussed more times that you can count. And these are just the little things. What about big ones?
Big or small, sometimes it’s best to overlook them. Don’t keep a tally of every single time your spouse offends you. Choose grace. Choose patience. Sometimes choose to simply let it go. Leave some wiggle room for each other and warmth around the edges. Make home a safe refuge from the rest of life’s pressures.
Praying together for our marriage
He prays: Pray for wisdom to know when an issue needs to be addressed and when one should be overlooked.
She prays: Ask God to give peace and understanding, that you will love each other at all times.
Going Deeper
Should you overlook this one—or talk about it? Ann Wilson weighs in.