Day 21: All of Me

Do not lie to one another.—Colossians 3:9

If you’re serious about building a strong marriage, honesty is essential. Hiding the truth from your spouse, even with the good intention of avoiding an argument, is never the right choice. If you want trust, you must first have honesty.

Understand that honesty is more than the absence of lies. It means putting away all deceit and entrusting yourself to each other at the deepest level. And it means that you have no shame from yesterday to worry about being discovered today.

Praying together for our marriage

He prays: Ask God to keep you both courageous and trusting enough to always be honest.

She prays: Ask God to help each of you to process truth with grace, especially if there has been deceit between you in the past.

Going Deeper

Are white lies in marriage that big of a deal? Bob Lepine weighs in on why love is honest.

◀︎ View Day 20: Just Married?