About the Guest
Ron Hutchcraft
Ron Hutchcraft is a veteran ministry leader, speaker, founder and president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and On Eagles’ Wings Native American youth outreach. He is the author of A Life That Matters, Peaceful Living in a Stressful World, The Battle for a Generation, and more. His popular radio feature, A Word with You, is heard daily on over 1,300 outlets, and in the five most spoken languages of the world. Ron and his late wife Karen have three children and nine grandchildren.
Episode Transcript
Bob: Someone has said, “When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.” That’s the promise of the gospel: that our past, our sins, our regret, our guilt is covered by the blood of Christ and that our hope is in Him. Our hope for the future is found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Dave and Ann Wilson have been talking today to Ron Hutchcraft. Ron has written a book called Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking: Finding God’s Presence in Your Pain. We’re making that book available this week to FamilyLife Today listeners who can help us extend the reach of FamilyLife through your donations.
FamilyLife Today is a listener-supported ministry. We would not be here today if it wasn’t for fellow listeners, like you, who have made this conversation possible through their support of this ministry. Some of them are monthly Legacy Partners; others will donate from time to time. They have provided this program for you and for others today. We’re asking you to consider paying it forward, asking you to help other listeners benefit from what FamilyLife will be doing in the days ahead. When you make a donation online or call to donate, you can request a copy of Ron Hutchcraft’s book, Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking, pass that on to someone you know who is in a season of grief, or read it yourself and find the comfort and hope you’re looking for in its pages.
You can donate to FamilyLife Today, online, at FamilyLifeToday.com; or you can call to donate at 1-800-FL-TODAY. Again, be sure to ask for your copy of Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking when you get in touch with us. The website, once more, is FamilyLifeToday.com; or call to donate at 1-800-358-6329; that’s 1-800-“F” as in family, “L” as in life, and then the word, “TODAY.”
David Robbins, who is the president of FamilyLife, has been here with us as we’ve been listening to Dave and Ann and their conversation with Ron Hutchcraft. David, you heard Ron speak, years ago, when you were just beginning on staff with Cru®. What he shared had a profound impact in your life; right?
David: That’s right. I’m listening today and hearing Ron, and just going, “Man, we always need to be seeking out mentors in our lives—people that have walked seasons—that have gone before us.” As I was walking into a new season in full-time ministry, I remember going to this huge conference; and Ron speaking, and him just laying out the need in Luke 15 to go after the one. And how Jesus celebrates when one person is lost and is found. It just captured my heart then; it’s why I continue to be captured by the vision of reaching one home at a time.
I’m sitting here, listening to Ron today, as he’s walked through another chapter that I haven’t had to directly walk through; but yet, seasons of loss do come in and out of our lives. I’m just hearing this man, going, “This is why all of us need to ask people around us. Be an initiator to people around you, that have walked through seasons of life, and stay close to Jesus.” I’ve loved hearing these three days; and I’m motivated to keep entering in with people in my community, who’ve gone through similar things, and can keep pointing me to Jesus as I keep walking through life.
Bob: All of us need mentors; and part of our hope is that FamilyLife Today is helping to mentor you, as a husband, as a father, as a mom, as a wife. All of us can pour out into the lives of others as mentors, as well; so that’s a good word, David. Thank you for that.
Now, I hope you can be with us, again, tomorrow. Jonathan Pokluda is going to be joining us. He was here last week, talking about dating in the 21st century and how things have changed from back when I was dating Mary Ann years ago. We’ll hear more from Jonathan tomorrow. I hope you can tune in for that.
On behalf of our hosts, Dave and Ann Wilson, I’m Bob Lepine. We’ll see you back tomorrow for another edition of FamilyLife Today.
FamilyLife Today is a production of FamilyLife; a Cru® Ministry.
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