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FamilyLife Today®

Following the Marital Road Map

Follow the wrong map and you could wind up in a place you regret. Join us for today’s broadcast when America’s Family Coaches, Gary and Barbara Rosberg, tell Dennis Rainey about the marital road map that begins at a dream but ends with discord and emotional divorce.

FamilyLife Today
FamilyLife Today
Following the Marital Road Map

About the Guest

Photo of Gary and Barbara Rosberg

Gary and Barbara Rosberg

Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg are co-founders of the international ministry America’s Family Coaches, respected marriage conference speakers, executive life and marriage coaches, award-winning authors and radio hosts. Together, they have written over a dozen prominent marriage and family resources and DVD series with almost 1 million total copies in print world-wide; including The 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love (Gold Medallion winner under the title Divorce Proof Your Marriage) and The 5 Love Needs of Men and Women, a Gold Medallion finalist. Selected books are available in more than twelve different languages.

Gary and Barb met at Drake University where Barb earned her B.F.A. and Gary earned his doctorate in counseling (Ed. D.). Following graduation, Gary conducted over 25,000 hours of marriage and family counseling. Today, they are both John C Maxwell certified international speakers, trainers and coaches, Board Certified Master Life and Marriage Coaches through Light University, members of the International Christian Coaching Association and coach executive couples through The Rosberg Group. Married since 1975, Gary and Barb have two adult daughters and eight grandchildren.