FamilyLife Today® Podcast

Instructing Your Children in the Word

with Scott Lindsey | May 25, 2010
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Have you run out of ideas to get your kids interested in the Bible? Scott Lindsey with Logos Bible Software shares how he uses his laptop, along with his Logos Bible software, to spark his kids' interest in theology and bible study.

  • Show Notes

  • About the Host

  • About the Guest

  • Have you run out of ideas to get your kids interested in the Bible? Scott Lindsey with Logos Bible Software shares how he uses his laptop, along with his Logos Bible software, to spark his kids' interest in theology and bible study.

  • Dave and Ann Wilson

    Dave and Ann Wilson are hosts of FamilyLife Today®, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program. Dave and Ann have been married for more than 38 years and have spent the last 33 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage getaway since 1993 and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country. Cofounders of Kensington Church—a national, multicampus church that hosts more than 14,000 visitors every weekend—the Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released book Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019). Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as chaplain for 33 years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active alongside Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small-group leader, and mentor to countless wives of professional athletes. The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

Have you run out of ideas to get your kids interested in the Bible?

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Instructing Your Children in the Word

With Scott Lindsey
May 25, 2010
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Scott:  I think the copout today is, “Oh, that’s the responsibility of the youth program”; “That’s the responsibility of the pastor.”  Those all play a part, but it is my job.  It is my responsibility to dig into the Word of God.  Here’s the thing:  I know that if my kids see me excited about the Word of God, about theology, about my walk—guess what—they’re excited. 

Bob:  This is FamilyLife Today for Tuesday, May 25th.  Our host is the President of FamilyLife Dennis Rainey, and I’m Bob Lepine.  We are going to talk today about how we can utilize technology to do a better job of bringing up our children in the instruction of the Lord.

Welcome to FamilyLife Today; thanks for joining us.  We have been talking about studying the Bible and getting the right interpretation.  I don’t know—I think I have shared with you that my daughter Katie one time told me what her life verse was from the Bible.  Do you remember this?  She said it is from Proverbs 6:  “A little slumber, a little sleep, a little folding of the hands to rest.”  And I said…

Dennis:  Was that when she was in college?

Bob:  It was when she was in high school.

Dennis:  Oh, okay.

Bob:  I said to her, “Well, Sweetheart, that’s a great verse, but the next verse says, “And disaster will come upon you.”  She said, “I don’t like that verse.” 


I just like the first one.

Dennis:  I memorized that verse when I was in college. 


I’m convinced my diploma exists because of the second verse. 


Yes.  I did a good job of a little sleep, a little slumber; but that verse kind of woke me up.  There is another one about the ant.

Bob:  “Go to the ant, you sluggard.” 

Dennis:  Consider his ways. 

Bob:  You have to know this stuff in context.  You can’t just pull a verse out and say, “Okay, that’s my favorite verse,” because you could get it way wrong.

Dennis:  We have the Ministry Relations Director for Logos Bible software with us.  Scott Lindsey joins us again on FamilyLife Today.  Scott, welcome back.

Scott:  It is great to be back.

Dennis:  You know, yesterday it was revealed here on the broadcast that Bob had a later version of Logos Bible software.

Bob:  Logos 4, yes.

Dennis:  You kind of shrunk back and started looking for the exit. 


I want to hold something up, Scott.  Demonstrate Point 2.  I do not have the software on my iPhone.

Bob:  Time-out here; just a second.  That is only because you have not gone to the iPhone store and downloaded it because the Logos…

Dennis:  Is that where you got it?

Bob:  I downloaded it straight from the iPhone store.

Dennis:  I promise, you found out about it from Scott.

Bob:  I did find out about it from Scott; that is true. 


Dennis:  I’m not on the inside circle here.  What is happening, Scott?  You are making it available on the iPhone now, huh?

Scott:  Yes, the wonderful news about the new version of Logos is that it is now PC, Mac, and iPhone.  When someone invests in this technology and they purchase a library, they get all of them.  They get the PC-version, the Mac-version, the iPhone-version—all at the same time.  The iPhone app is just awesome because I travel a lot.  I’ve got Bible studies and I’m in my favorite coffee shop in Washington.  I’ve got my library with me wherever I go now.

Bob:  Now you don’t have to have a Logos library to download the software.  There is some stuff that anybody gets for free, right?

Scott:  Exactly right.  The iPhone app is free; but if they do have a Logos library—oh—then it is absolutely amazing.

Bob:  It really is absolutely amazing. 

Dennis:  See, I don’t have the…# 4! 


You know we are talking about Bible study here.  We want to encourage singles, husbands, wives, moms and dads, and grandparents to get into the Book. 

Earlier this year—all the month of January—we started the broadcast reading a passage of Scripture and just talking about, “Read the Bible in your marriages and in your families.”  The reason, Scott, I did that is I fear we are raising a generation of young people who are—I hate to use such a crass term—but they are biblically illiterate.  They don’t know what to do with the Scripture. 

Really, that is what you are trying to do here with technology.  You are trying to meet a generation of young people around the very thing that they use the most—technology. 

Scott:  Yes, that is a very troubling statistic—is the decline in Bible study or even just Bible reading with young people.  When we ask young people, “Hey, what aren’t you studying the Bible?”  Sadly, the thing that we hear is, “I think Bible study is boring.”  Yet, the Bible is not boring.  The Bible is the best book you can ever commit yourself to.  It is just that we are forcing a paper paradigm on today’s young person. 

In working on my master’s degree, I came across a statistic that just blew me away.  I am a parent of four children; I have two teenagers.  I want them excited about Bible study. 

Seventy-five percent of what a young person between the ages of 14 and 18—by the time they graduate high school—more than 75 percent of what they will learn, they will learn electronically.  So, as a parent, I was, “Wait a second, here,” because if that is the way research and learning is going, I have got to introduce my teenagers to Logos to get them interested in Bible study.

Dennis:  How have you done that? 

Scott:  God—this year and last year—it started last year—really put it upon my heart to train my children—to train my kids in theology, to make sure that their feet are on some pretty solid ground.

Bob:  This was right after you read The Christian Husband that this happened—is that right?

Scott:  That is exactly right.

Dennis:  Bob’s book. 


Scott:  We did.  We did Bob’s book in my men’s Bible study group.

Dennis:  I just want to make sure our listeners didn’t miss that. 

Scott:  Yes.

Dennis:  It has been a while since that book has been mentioned here on FamilyLife Today.

Bob:  I thought I’d bring it up. 


Scott:  Wonderful book.

Dennis:  That’s The Christian Husband by Bob Lepine. 


Scott:  Excellent book.

Bob:  Go to for more information.

Scott:  Yes. 


Dennis:  Your point was you felt the responsibility as a dad to spiritually protect your wife and family. 

Scott:  I think the copout today is, “Oh, that’s the responsibility of the youth program”; “That’s the responsibility of the pastor.”  Those all play a part, but it is my job.  It is my responsibility to dig into the Word of God—to push the dinner plates away when we are done—even if it is just 5, 10, 15 minutes:  “Let’s talk about the Lord.  Let’s learn theology.  What is sanctification?  What is propitiation?”  Those types of really big theological concepts are not that complicated as long as you are committed to teaching them. 

Bob:  So do you pop open the laptop at the dinner table at the Lindsey house?

Scott:  Sometimes we do.  Absolutely.  What I will do the night before is I’ll prepare.  I’ll have an idea or something.  There are a lot of great resources out there.  I have Josh McDowell’s great devotional work, Bruce Ware, MacArthur —there are many, many different authors who have those type of things.  Again, I don’t want to be dependent on somebody else’s walk with the Lord.  I want to lead my family; so I use those as other resources. 

I’ll pick a topic—Sanctification.  What is the process of sanctification?  Theologically, what does that mean?  What did people like Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, and J. C. Ryle—What do they say about sanctification?  

Here’s the thing:  I know that if my kids see me excited about the Word of God, about theology, about my walk—guess what—they’re excited.  If the Bible is boring to me, it is going to be boring to them.  I think Logos is a wonderful way to re-spark that interest in the home.  I like to ask families “Raise your hand if you live across the street from a Bible college.”  Nobody raises their hand.  That is what we are doing; we are providing for you a massive theological library with the authors that we trust—Spurgeon, Edwards, MacArthur, Piper…to get biblical answers in seconds. 

Dennis:  One of the things I appreciate about it because I just punched it in.  There is a box where you type in the passage, the word, or the topic.  I punched in “sanctification,” and instantly it is giving me probably more than I have time to be able to do; but here is what I like about it.  I can select the level of study that I do on the topic. 

There are certain authors you have in here that will give me more of a simple, layman’s approach as I present this topic with my family.  There are others that will take me, as this one does, back to the Nicene, post-Nicene fathers and what they have written about it.  Now, I am not going to use that for leading teenagers, I don’t think.  Now, you may; but I am going to use some of your other scholars and some of the other books you have on there. 

You can click on them and actually open the book right there.  So when I take my computer on a plane and do Bible study, it’s like I’m carrying a bunch of scholars, theologians, and probably several tons of books with me on the plane when I get on there with just my computer—all the resources that are available.

Bob:  I have talked to some folks who, as we have talked about my Logos software, they have said, “With the internet available now, why have the Logos software?  Can’t you just go to Googleand type in whatever you want, and it is there?”

Scott:  Here is a great example.  I recently did some TV with Kay Arthur.  We didn’t script anything; we didn’t practice; we just flipped the cameras on and, “Let’s see what happens.”  Guess what word Kay wants to get some information on.  Kay says, “What does Logos say about sex?”  (Sweat, pouring down my brow.)  What was awesome, though, was that Logos linked it to purity; Logos linked it to the covenant of marriage.  Here’s the thing.  I do not want my young teenager typing the word, “Sex,” at Google and clicking, “Search.” 

Bob:  I don’t want you doing it; forget your teenager. 

Scott:  Now we have a filter.  Hopefully they wouldn’t get into anything anyway.  The other thing is, again, Logos linked that topic to marriage.  It linked it to purity and chastity.  Google is not a great theologian.  Googleis a great source for information; but I would much rather go to MacArthur, Piper, Spurgeon, Edwards—What do they have to say?  What do commentaries, scholars, Bible dictionaries say about a topic versus willy-nilly whosever’s opinion is on the internet—pretty scary. 

Bob:  Logos, I think, can look intimidating, especially for someone who goes, “I’m no Bible scholar.  I’m just a mom.  I’m just a dad.  I’m a teenager.”  I typed in ‘sanctification.’  I’m not sure even how to spell it and I get this list of books; and I feel overwhelmed.”  How do you help people not be overwhelmed?

Scott:  One of the new things that really focused on with the latest version, Logos 4, was to take away the intimidation.  So when you now open up the software, it opens up like a newspaper every day.  It is like a theological newspaper.  It is different every morning. 

Somebody recently commented, “I love this because every morning my paper on my doorstep is bad news.  Your newspaper is the good news of Jesus Christ every day, fresh and new.”  We are trying to pull content from your library and try to display it to you in an interesting way. 

Today there was an article on marriage.  There was an article on “What Does It Mean to Be in Covenant?”  Pictures of the holy land—I love it!  I get my cup of coffee, I get giddy, I open up Logos, and there is my newspaper.  I learn!  We are trying to present theology and the Bible in a fresh, new way every day.

Dennis:  You also have devotional readings that people can check-off every day and a place to make notes. 

Scott:  That is interesting that you say the accountability.  Yes, you can create a Bible-reading plan.  Last year was the first time I ever read the Bible straight through.  I actually did it twice.  I did it because Logos kept me accountable to it.  There is a little banner across the book cover that says, “Behind,” if you are; and I don’t like that! 


What is interesting; we already mentioned the iPhone app.  Your reading plan is synched between your computer and the iPhone app.  I don’t mind anymore getting stuck in a grocery store line for five minutes.  It is amazing how my peace-level—I don’t care if my line is ten minutes long, I’ve got my whole library with me in the palm of my hand.  I get caught up on my reading plan. 

You can create reading plans for anything—not only the Bible.  I have created one for systematic theology.  I have created one for a great biographical book we have called 131 Christians You Should Know.  Whether I am in the gym, bank, anywhere, I’ve got my library with me wherever I go.

Bob:  We have talked about the fact that I have Logos 4 and Dennis doesn’t.  I have the iPhone app, and Dennis doesn’t.  The truth is Dennis and Barbara are going to be in your Bible study magazine next month.  Nobody has called me to see if I want to be in your Bible study magazine, right? 


Scott:  We already plugged your book, so you are good there. 


Bob:  Tell them about Bible study and the magazine you guys have come up with. 

Scott:  Again, our passion is Bible study.  I mean, obviously we are focusing on the world of technology in apps for iPhone, PC, and Mac.  The other thing that we realized is that there are just some out there who don’t have anything to do with a computer.  How do we reach those people?  How do we present the Bible in a fascinating, life-changing way? 

We decided to create a print magazine.  Isn’t that ironic in an electronic, technology company—a print magazine?  It is taking off.  The content is wonderful.  We have had Josh McDowell as a cover; John Piper; John MacArthur; and Kay Arthur.  The July issue is going to feature Dennis and Barbara and how Bible study has played a pivotal role in their marriage.  Beth Moore will be part of that issue as well. 

We are trying to bring in all kinds of different areas. We have word studies; we have general-appeal articles, devotional articles.  There are actual Bible studies in the magazine.  We are hearing feedback from teenagers, from parents, from seniors saying, “I can’t wait to get my Bible study magazine every other month.”

Bob:  You have been doing this for 13 years with Logos.  You have had a lot of people who have invested in the software; but I know what really jazzes you is when you hear from folks a year later and they tell you what the investment has meant in their lives, in their marriage, in their family.  What are some of the things you have heard?

Scott:  Oh, yes.  There are a lot of conferences and events where I am there yearly.  Again, I get to see these people and literally to have people, almost teary-eyed say, “This has transformed our family.  I have a son who a year or two ago could care less about Bible study.  Now he is talking about Bible college because you have presented the Bible in a way that connects.”

Dennis:  This is really for everybody.  It is not just for the professionals.  Lay couples can use this as well, right?

Scott:  Absolutely.  One of my favorite features in Logos 4 is that we also provide tools that help you teach, not only discovery—we don’t want you just keeping the insight to yourself.  We provide ways that you can do handouts.  We help you with power point.  We want you discipling; we want you leading Bible studies. 

We want you doing a better job of home schooling.  If you home school and you are teaching the Bible, this is a great resource for the home school parent.  You are right.  This is not just for the pastor.  This is for anyone who wants to get serious about Bible study.  This is an investment that truly will transform your life.

Bob:  I mentioned earlier that you think back to the mid-1990s and people didn’t know what the internet was.  In fact, computers were just beginning to be used by average people.  You say Logos is 20 years old?

Scott:  Going on our 20th year.

Bob:  So what were you doing 20 years ago when most of us didn’t even have PCs?

Scott:  We are based out of Bellingham, Washington, which is a little north of Seattle.  The co-founder and our CEO, our fearless leader, Bob Pritchett, was one of Bill Gates’ youngest program managers at 16 and used the labs at Microsoft to create the very first Bible software program.  That is how we got into Washington state. 

Bob had a passion for the Bible; had a passion to see the church using technology for Bible study.  He left the riches and all the stories you hear about those who were at Microsoft in the early days; but no regrets! 

We now are pushing 200 employees.  We have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of users—daily emails from people saying, “This is amazing.  I didn’t think that I could do this level of Bible study, but I can now because of this tool.” 

Dennis:  You really don’t have any peer.

Scott:  You can say that.  I don’t know if I can say that.  Well, yes.

Dennis:  That is good you aren’t saying it, but you don’t have a peer.  The key thing for me that makes the difference, and that is why you are on the broadcast, is I trust you guys to handle the Scriptures accurately.  You are not going to use a version or an adaptation of the Scriptures that doesn’t stick to what the original text says. 

Bob:  There are other Bible study software programs that are available.  Folks have found them; they use them; and they love them. 

Dennis:  We are not saying that those are bad necessarily.

Bob:  But there is something pretty unique about what Logos has done in terms of the depth it takes you and the simplicity of use.  Again, I think that how a layman can use it and really dig deep and get to places most laymen could not get on their own. 

I mean, I’m no Greek scholar; I’m no Hebrew scholar; but I can find out about Greek and Hebrew meanings of a word.  It takes me deeper.  I can do it quickly.  Again, it takes me to a place that I could not get on my own.

Scott:  It really is about the books.  That would be the major difference between Logos software and anything else out there.  We now have over 12,000 books in our format.  We are on track this year of adding 4,000 more books to the library. 

Let’s not just get caught up in Bible study per se.  What we are trying to provide you, not only tools for what Bob is talking about—awesome Bible study—but we also bring you biographical information, church history, history in culture, archeology, ministry resources, even counseling and theology resources.  So again, it is like having an entire Bible college library at your disposal on your computer for your own personal Bible study.  It is amazing.

Dennis:  Not just any library, but one that has been carefully selected by a team of people who care about the kind of theology that is represented in those books, right?

Scott:  Exactly, and also trying to provide you tools to examine the text yourself.  That is where issues like biblical languages come into play.  We want you not only to hear what McDowell and MacArthur and those great teachers and theologians have to say about the text, but let’s take you one step deeper and provide you with the tools to examine the text for yourself. 

Dennis:  I want to thank you, Scott, for your commitment to the Bible and also to the body of Christ—to call it to be more of a serious student of the Scriptures.  I just want to encourage our listeners to get into the Book.  This is another high-tech, yet very simple way for people to do this and to lead their families in getting in the Book.  If you are looking for a way to enhance your Bible study, you are really going to personally benefit, I predict, in ways that you could not have imagined.  You are going to become more of a student of the Bible because of this.  I know I have.

Bob:  We need to say that the software does not operate itself.  You still have to open it up.  You still have to spend a little time reading it and using it; but it is so simple.  It is so intuitive.  The layout now in Logos 4 pulls you right in and helps you get dug down deep quickly.

With the special offer that the folks of Logosare making to FamilyLife Today listeners, there really has not been a better time to order this software, and get it loaded onto your computer, and start studying the Bible at a new level.  You can go online at  When you get to our website, there is a link you will find that will take you right to the Logos Bible study software website. 

When you get to their website, there is information about the different Logos libraries that are available.  You can order online.  If you identify yourself as a FamilyLife Today listener, if you type “FLT” into the coupon-code box on the website, there is a special discount that is being made available to FamilyLife Today listeners for a limited time. 

Let me encourage you—go to—click through the link and go to the Logoswebsite.  Look over the different libraries that are available.  Find the one that fits you.  Then remember to type “FLT” in the coupon-code box so that you can take advantage of the special offer for FamilyLife Today listeners. 

Again, it is available for a limited time, so this is something you will want to take care of quickly.  Go to and click the link to the Logos website and figure which version of Logos software that fits best for you. 

Let me, before we are done, give you an update on where we are as we approach the end of the month.  As many of you know, we have a matching gift fund that has been established.  Money that has been pledged, now almost $350,000 have been pledged to that matching gift fund, so that every donation that we receive during the month of May is being matched dollar for dollar by those donors. 

We are hoping that before next Monday is through, we will be able to take full advantage of that matching gift opportunity.  We still have a ways to go.  This week we are making sure that we let you know that we need you to go online at or call us at 1-800-FLTODAY and be as generous as you can be.  Help us again take full advantage of this matching gift opportunity that has been made available to us.  Almost $350,000 now that we are hoping to match by next Monday. 

So if you can make a donation online at or call 1-800-FLTODAY, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar.  You will be moving us one step closer to being able to complete the match.  I want to say, “Thanks,” in advance for whatever you are able to do.  Thanks for your support to the ministry.  Every donation counts.  We appreciate your partnership with us here in the work of FamilyLife Today

We want to invite you back tomorrow when Todd Smith from the group Selah is going to join us along with his wife Angie.  We are going to hear about probably the biggest challenge they have faced as a family in the years since they have been married. 

Angie:  She started the ultrasound, and her eyes were just darting around.  She was incredibly uncomfortable.  Finally, after I couldn’t handle the silence anymore, I just looked at her; and I said, “Is this baby going to live?”

Bob:  We’ll talk about that tomorrow.  I hope you can tune in. 

 I want to thank our engineer today Keith Lynch and our entire broadcast production team on behalf of our host Dennis Rainey; I’m Bob Lepine.  We will see you back next time for another edition of FamilyLife Today.

FamilyLife Today is a production of FamilyLife of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Help for today.  Hope for tomorrow.

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