About the Guest
Dr. Harry Schaumburg
Dr. Schaumburg is the founder of Stone Gate Resources, a counseling ministry offering brief intensive counseling. The ministry specializes in the treatment of adultery, pornography and all forms of sexual sin through Biblical Intensive Counseling. It is this pioneering program that has drawn over 3000 laity and clergy from the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries. Many who come for counseling are married couples struggling with difficult marriages that include sexual dissatisfaction, lack of intimacy, and unfaithfulness.
For over thirty years Dr. Schaumburg has been involved in programs designed to point people away from sexual sin to restored intimacy with God and others. He is the author of False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction. Published in 1991, it is the first book to offer a biblical understanding of the subject. False Intimacy has been published in Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese. His second book, Undefiled: Redemption from Sexual Sin, Restoration for Broken Relationships, is based on twenty years of counseling experience with couples struggling with infidelity. Dr. Schaumburg received an M.A. from New York University; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; DMin., New York Theological Seminary; two years post-graduate study at the Center for Family Studies at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University Medical School. He is a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists, is a Diplomate with the American Psychotherapy Association, and licensed in Wisconsin as a Marriage and Family Therapist. He has been married to Rosemary for forty-three years and has two adult sons, Aaron and Nathan.