Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking

Are you in need of hope today? The pain of loss can rip our hearts open and leave us feeling hopeless, hurt and disoriented. But Ron Hutchcraft points us to our Living Hope, Who provides purpose in the midst of great loss, and hope for a better tomorrow. He reminds us that the confidence we have in Christ is what lifts us up over and over again.

Our future doesn't have to be what our past was. Though we can't outrun the pain of hurts, Ron Hutchcraft explains how to face them and find freedom. View Show Notes →
When life's circumstances knock us down, we can become hurt and disoriented, but Ron Hutchcraft reminds us that the confidence we have in Christ is what lifts us up over and over again. View Show Notes →
The pain of loss can rip our hearts open and leave us feeling hopeless, but Ron Hutchcraft points us to our Living Hope, Who provides purpose in the midst of great loss, and hope for a better tomorrow. View Show Notes →

Meet Series Guests

Ron Hutchcraft

Ron Hutchcraft is a veteran ministry leader, speaker, founder and president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and On Eagles’ Wings Native American youth outreach. He is the author of A Life That Matters, Peaceful Living in a Stressful World, The Battle for a Generation, and more. His popular radio feature, A Word with You, is heard daily on over 1,300 outlets, and in the five most spoken languages of the world. Ron and his late wife Karen have three children and nine grandchildren.