10 Ways to Romance Your Husband
The following tips come from a FamilyLife resource, Simply Romantic Tips to Romance Your Husband. One free tip before you start—print out this page and keep it somewhere handy for fresh and creative ways of fanning the flames of romance in your marriage.
1. Write him a check for 100 kisses. Be available to cash the check for him when and where he likes.
2. The next time you’re out to dinner, casually take out a pen and write a note to him on a paper napkin—letting him know what he can look forward to at home. Fold it and slide it across the table.
3. As he heads out for work, give him a passionate kiss. If he wants to know what it was for, tell him it’s the appetizer for tonight’s menu.
4. Pamper his tootsies with a relaxing foot massage. All you need is a warm basin of water, some soap, a towel, and some lotion.
5. Get up a few minutes earlier than usual, brush your teeth, then get back in bed and wake him up with a kiss.
6. Refrain from saying “I told you so.” That might be the best gift of all.
7. Handwrite his favorite Bible verse on parchment. After laminating it, surprise him by tucking it into his Bible.
8. Have your guy write down on slips of paper his five favorite things to do. Fold them and place them in a bowl. Let him draw one out and read it—then do it together.
9. Blindfold your husband and “kidnap” him. Take him to a hotel room where you have prepared a romantic tryst.
10. Men view romance differently than women. Ask your husband to describe what’s romantic to him. Don’t be surprised when his ideas sound very different from yours.
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