Yes, Momcations are a Thing
I Need a Momcation!
My job could be described as a combination of teacher, chef, event planner, chauffeur, housekeeper, entertainer, nurse—and the catch-all: additional duties as assigned. Oh yeah, and my boss wakes me up every morning by 6 a.m.
What am I? You guessed it, I’m a mom. And I love it.
Though stewarding two little hearts is a tremendous privilege, the hours of my job are grueling (hello, newborn stage!). The role requires mental endurance (Have you attempted fifth-grade math homework lately?), loads of patience (two words: potty training), and to give all that’s in me. Every day. It’s one-hundred percent worth it, but it’s nonstop.
Does it have to be nonstop, though? Recently Good Morning America spoke to moms who answered that question with a firm “no.” These mothers are advocates for “momcations,” kid-free trips either alone or with girlfriends. This is an idea I can get behind.
While my overnight jaunts away from my daughters have mostly been for work (Oh yes, I actually do have another boss), I can vouch for how energizing a change of pace can be. Even if the food I’m eating is from a generic banquet buffet at a conference, sitting through an entire meal without being asked to clean up a spill or cut someone’s chicken feels luxurious. Knowing I’m not in charge of making any decisions related to my girls while I’m gone can be quite freeing, too. I choose to breathe easier, trusting that their dad, grandma, or someone from our village is handling all things kid-related while I’m gone.
If my business trips take that much pressure off of me, I can only imagine what a momcation could do for my mind, body, and soul! Thankfully, my husband and I do take turns spending evenings with our girls so that one of us can enjoy dinner out with friends. When it’s my turn to go out, I come home (usually by 10 p.m. because remember, my first boss of the day is an early bird) smiling, feeling confident and content. I bet I’d feel those emotions plus rested if I were to extend my nights out into an overnight momcation. I’d also be very excited to see my girls at the end of the trip. Distance, time, and the ability to shut off the “mom wheels” that turn constantly in our heads have a way of reminding us why and how much we love those little people who exhaust us.
Momcations don’t have to be extravagant, 10-day Mediterranean cruises. Mom tribes can head to a local Airbnb or even camp for a weekend, if that’s their thing. The point is to intentionally step away from the normal routine and give ourselves permission to breathe—to simply exist.
Rest is biblical. God rested, and He asks us to do the same. Now, I don’t think He’s asking us to take a weekly momcation, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves! But Scripture does tell us in Psalm 46:10 to “Be still, and know that I am God.” Not much about regular #momlife can be described as “still,” so we have to purposely pursue rest. A momcation is one (of many) means to that end.
As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking time to explore, rest, play, and nurture relationships outside of the ones in our home is important if we want to be our best selves for our family.
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