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FamilyLife Blended® provides timeless wisdom and practical help and hope for blended families and those who love them. Join Ron L. Deal, LMFT, LPC as he and his guests discuss a wide variety of marriage, family, and relationship topics related to blended families.
Meet The Ron Deal
Ron Deal is Director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife® and President of Smart Stepfamilies™. He is a family ministry consultant and conducts marriage and family seminars around the country; he specializes in marriage education and stepfamily enrichment. He is one of the most widely read authors on stepfamily living in the country.
Latest Episodes
How do you give grace to a teenager? To a stepteenager, at that? And,
All parenting is difficult, but when you add in divorce, the challenge multiplies. Staying
When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.”
Stepcouples hope and pray they can have peaceful relations with their former spouses, and
Stepmoms bear a unique burden, and they often neglect their own care. Melanie Anthony
She may have been in love with Lamar, but as a strong self-confident woman,
Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, right? WRONG. In this encouraging exploration of
Understanding the long-term effects of divorce and remarriage on kids is difficult. A good
When Dave was growing up his father told him over and over, “You’re a