Season Two

Many wives struggle to believe that their own husbands can see them as beautiful. Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn explain these feelings of inadequacy, and show how a husband can overcome them in love.
Virtually every husband wonders why sex with his wife feels more complex and frustrating than it should. Why can’t she just focus on it more? Host Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn, along with Dr. Juli Slattery, provide answers.
Did you listen to episode 2 and think, “Just shoot straight on this and tell me your best tipes for getting more sex with my wife?” Here’s a quick-hit list of the top 5 rookie mistakes you may be making — Come on man!
In episode 2.1 you heard the top 5 “rookie mistakes” of husbands who want more sex with their wives. Now learn from host Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn your top 5 “all-star moves.” You got this!
Your wife can’t really be attracted to your “dad bod” right? Shaunti Feldhahn explains why a simple trip to the doctor is probably way more attractive to her than another tip to the gym.
Husbands, do you get tired head in conversations with your wife as she circles the airport but never lands the plane? Understand the brain science behind these exchanges, and gain wisdom on why it’s an easy win as a husband.
Why does your wife ask deep questions just as you’re falling to sleep at night? Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal a simple truth about your wife and 3 steps you can take to navigate this late-night impasse.
As crazy as it sounds, trust can be broken within a marriage and the husband not even realize it. Brian Goins, Shaunti Feldhahn, and Ann Wilson offer hope and wise counsel for couples needing to restore trust.
Is there hope for a marriage where trust has been broken through sexual sin (pornography, affairs)? Dr. Michael Sytsma joins the podcast to explain practical steps couples can take to rebuild trust and reconnect to the God of hope.
Does it feel like decisions are never final with your wife? How can you get past the taaaaaaaalking and finally “lock in” an answer? Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn provide answers.
Don’t turn off that Hallmark movie after only 30 seconds just because you can already guess the plot. Keep watching! You may uncover some valuable clues to the core desires of your wife’s heart. Brian Goins and Shaunti Feldhahn explain.
If you don’t know how to handle your wife’s tears, you’re in good company. You’re not the only husband who’s paralyzed by his wife’s emotions. But what if you saw them as a way to understand her better? Listen to the insights Brian, Jen, and Shaunti offer!
Ever wonder if you’re any good as a husband? Does conflict with your wife leave you feeling outwitted or inferior? Listen to Brian, Jen, and Shaunti dive into the validating differences between men and women.
Trying to figure out why your wife expects you to know what she’s thinking? Brian, Shaunti, and guest Jim Mitchell explore how to uncover what’s whirring beneath the surface in a way that makes your wife feel known–and significantly improve your relationship.
Gathered from FamilyLife’s Love Like You Mean It cruise, Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn and Brian Goins answer a variety of questions from husbands–like, “Why does she ask for my opinion, then do her own thing?” “Why does she pick on my tone of voice?” “Why doesn’t she say what she means?”