Like physical health, your marriage’s spiritual health determines resilience & strength for what hurtles your way. Authors Dave & Ashley Willis cheer you on.
FamilyLife Today
Why Spiritual Health Matters for your Marriage: Dave & Ashley Willis
Could your physical health influence how you act toward your spouse? Bestselling authors Dave & Ashley Willis chat about genuine change in your bodies & relationship.
FamilyLife Today
Why Physical Health Matters for your Marriage: Dave & Ashley Willis
Do you want more harmony or connectedness in your marriage? Ron Deal talks with co-authors of his new book ,The Mindful Marriage, on how couples can understand their part of marital tension, why they react the way they do, and how to relate as companions.
FamilyLife Blended® Podcast
155 A New Year, An Improved Self, A Better Marriage
Why's emotional health a big deal in marriage? Bestselling authors Dave & Ashley Willis share their story--and how vulnerability became their game changer.
FamilyLife Today
Why Emotional Health Matters for Your Marriage: Dave & Ashley Willis
Authors, Ron and Nan Deal, discuss how unresolved emotional baggage can affect marriages and offer practical tips to heal and improve this relationship.
New year, new you! Therapist and author, Debra Fileta, explores biblical, life-giving rhythms to transform your emotional and spiritual well-being this year.
Overwhelmed? Therapist and author, Debra Fileta, helps us prioritize spiritual wellness with practical tips to nourish your spirit and find lasting peace.
Tired of burnout? Discover the power of soul care with Debra Fileta and cultivate a connection with God by nurturing our emotional and spiritual well-being.
Tired of skipping to the good part? Author and artist, Ruth Chou Simons, shares how to find God's purpose even in the midst of life's in-between seasons.
Luke Landwer was young when his parents divorced, and he enjoyed time with just his mom for many years. When she remarried a man with six kids, Luke made many adjustments. Listen to his conversation with Ron Deal about adjusting to a bigger family.
FamilyLife Blended® Podcast
154 From Their Perspective: Adjusting to a Bigger Family, Luke Landwer
Want a life with purpose? Ruth Chou Simons shares how to live a life on Earth with an eye on eternity and how to trust God's plan for the now and the not yet.