Ready to dip into more from the FamilyLife podcast network? Don't miss all-star samples touching on topics from same-sex attraction to nagging in marriage.
Rachel Gilson knows what it's like to deal with same-sex attraction, confusion, trying to relate to straight friends, and generally have it out with God.
In discussing gender and the Bible, do we lose what matters most? On FamilyLife Today, Dave & Ann Wilson host authors Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher--who untangle what the Bible says…and doesn't.
Could we be getting gender wrong? Authors Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher cast off the ways gender roles keep us from God’s expansive vision.
Christopher Yuan knows what it's like to be a captive. A former drug dealer and homosexual who discovered he had HIV while serving time in prison, Yuan shares how God got his attention and eventually, his heart.
Christopher Yuan, who left his homosexual lifestyle after believing in Jesus, talks freely about his identity as a Christian.
Christopher Yuan delves into the meaning of holy sexuality as prescribed in the Scriptures: chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage. Yuan explains how Christians find their identity in Christ, not sex.
How do I talk to my family about transgender issues?" J. Alan Branch gives direction for families, affected by confusion and brokenness over this issue, in how to lead with truth and grace.
Transgenderism is a real-world, right now topic in need of God's navigation! J. Alan Branch shares about his book, "Affirming God's Image," with the heart of being able to think biblically and act compassionately.
Rachel Gilson shares about her ongoing struggle against sexual brokenness. She suggests some helpful things Christians can do to enter into this important cultural conversation with love and wisdom.
Rachel Gilson talks about the importance of responding with God's loving design for a sexuality that is not arbitrary or cruel, on FamilyLife Today.
Rachel Gilson experienced same-sex attraction from an early age, but when she became a Christ-follower as an adult, God began to bring her views about sexuality under the authority of the cross.
Becket Cook tells the story of coming face to face with the God of the universe when he attended a church service. Becket tells how his belief in Christ has influenced and changed every part of his life.
As Becket Cook moved through one relationship after another, he never remotely considered that God might be the answer to his restlessness. Cook tells how his encounter with God changed his life forever.
Becket Cook tells how his Christian parents reacted when he finally came out to his family, and advises parents on what to do when their son or daughter comes out as being gay.
Author Jill Savage talks frankly about the challenges she's faced in the empty nest, including finding out that her son is gay. While they disagree with his current lifestyle, they continue to love him.
Pastor Caleb Kaltenbach recalls the first time his gay mother came to hear one of his sermons when he was a young pastoral intern, much to the angst of the elders.
Caleb Kaltenbach reflects on growing up with a mom and dad who divorced when he was 2 because they had each realized they were gay. Caleb offers insight on how the gay community perceives Christians.
Caleb Kaltenbach tells what it was like growing up with a gay mom and a gay dad, and how his attempt to prove that the Bible was false actually started him on a walk of faith.
Jackie Hill Perry talks about her former life as a practicing homosexual. Perry advises parents on what to do if their child is gay.
Despite her lifestyle, Jackie Hill Perry sensed that God was actively pursuing her. In 2008, she felt God speaking to her heart. Perry how her life slowly began to change.
Writer and poet Jackie Hill Perry reflects on her youth and the circumstances that influenced her to consciously rebel against her upbringing and her God.
Dennis and Barbara Rainey team up with David Robbins and his wife, Meg, to answer questions from listeners such as: How do I encourage my teens to make good decisions? How do I handle sibling rivalry?
Nancy Pearcey reflects on the value of human life. Pearcey explains how the culture's worldview has influenced our thinking on abortion and euthanasia.
Best-selling author Nancy Pearcey contrasts the secular view of the body with Scripture's view. Pearcey coaches parents on helping their children think biblically.
Tom Gilson reminds moms and dads to have critical conversations with their kids about spiritual and cultural issues so they will know how to respond when questioned about their faith and values.
Pastor Todd Wilson, a husband for over 20 years and father to seven, tells how he's raising his children to know what a biblical marriage is like.
Pastor Todd Wilson points listeners back to Jesus to talk about sexuality. Wilson reminds us that Jesus came to earth as a male and will continue for all eternity as a male.
Pastor Todd Wilson talks about God's design for sexuality. Wilson challenges listeners to consider what God was doing when He intentionally created humans male and female.
Your children are asking "Who am I?" Andrew Walker helps parents explain what it means to be made in the image of God. Walker encourages parents to teach their children about the doctrine of sin.