Welcome to our podcast
FamilyLife Blended® provides timeless wisdom and practical help and hope for blended families and those who love them. Join Ron L. Deal, LMFT, LPC as he and his guests discuss a wide variety of marriage, family, and relationship topics related to blended families.
Meet The Ron Deal
Ron Deal is Director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife® and President of Smart Stepfamilies™. He is a family ministry consultant and conducts marriage and family seminars around the country; he specializes in marriage education and stepfamily enrichment. He is one of the most widely read authors on stepfamily living in the country.

Latest Episodes
The intersection of marriage & parenting often creates tension for stepcouples. Listen to Ron Deal & Gayla Grace give input on how to become a parenting team as you face guilt, fear, ambiguity, different parenting styles, co-parent struggles, and more.
Stepfamily couples can experience sexual pitfalls that bring additional stress. Ron Deal & Gayla Grace talk about how to build trust & emotional safety to overcome the comparison trap, fear & insecurity, & other lingering messages that affect intimacy.
Blended family life can bring hopelessness. Dr. Lee Warren, a neurosurgeon who has faced personal trauma, talks with Ron Deal about how to transform our thoughts and consider our feelings against the Truth of God’s Word to find hope for a better tomorrow.
Ghosts of marriage past—triggers from past hurt—leave a residue on our heart that creates hypersensitivity to being hurt again. Ron Deal speaks with Gayla Grace about dealing with relationship baggage, moving past fear, & building trust in relationships.
How do we help kids who are struggling with addictive behaviors? Ron Deal speaks with Dr Adrian Hickmon, who says we start by understanding the pain and void underneath their addiction, and then we must face the facts and determine the help they need.
Stepparenting myths have been around a long time, and they can negatively impact stepparents
After losing her husband in a tragic accident, Sabrina McDonald looked forward to her young kids having a dad again. But she wasn’t prepared for the challenges that followed. Her kids felt threatened by her new spouse and competed for her attention. Her dream of being part of a family again didn’t happen quickly. And stepparenting felt awkward and unfamiliar in the beginning.
Growing up blended often includes hard transitions and isolation for those involved. But Marshall
Ex-NFL football player Devon Still and his wife Asha married shortly after Devon’s young
God understands broken people. He sent His son to die for us. Even when