FamilyLife Blended® Podcast

45: Adult Stepfamilies: Joys and Challenges with the Holidays

with Bob and Vicki Maday | December 21, 2020
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Blended family Christmases with adult children don't always go so well, especially in the early years. Adult children bring their own needs, wants, opinions, and agendas to the family and when those wants clash with the wants of the parents, conflict erupts. In this powerful episode, Ron Deal speaks with Bob and Vicki Maday and two of their adult daughters about their holiday challenges and how they worked through their differences to find a win-win for both the parents and the children.

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  • About the Host

  • About the Guest

Blended family Christmases with adult children don’t always go so well. Ron Deal speaks with Bob and Vicki Maday and two of their adult daughters in a powerful episode about holiday challenges and how they worked through their differences to find harmony.