15 Digital Valentine’s Day Ideas
When I married Troy, I thought I was marrying my prince. Now, more than two decades later, I know it. Troy Birdsong is the father of my children, my partner in business and ministry, and the love of my life. I try to be intentional about telling him face-to-face how much I care every day.
Another way of expressing my love for him, for our family, and for our marriage—is online. It’s public, it’s powerful—and it’s fun! If you’re looking for ideas to show your love this Valentine’s Day, consider going digital.
It usually doesn’t take a lot of time to send a special email or text message to my husband, or to come up with a creative Facebook post. But it does take a little planning and thinking about how I can best use the web to express my devotion.
A Christ-centered marriage in a digital world puts a “no trespassing” sign in the enemy’s face. It also tells my spouse that values such as fidelity, honor, respect, family, faith, and love are here to stay.
Would you like to know some of my little secrets? Here are 15 ways to love your spouse in a digital world:
1. Lift one another up in public by posting affirmations, encouragements, and thank-you notes on your spouse’s Facebook wall.
2. Digitally cheer one another’s goals and accomplishments. For example, if your husband has received a promotion at work, or won an award, or accomplished a certain goal (such as completing a marathon, losing 20 pounds, or winning an election), congratulate him on your Facebook page or on his Facebook wall.
3. Buy your sweetheart her domain name. See if it is available at whois.net.
4. Post a music video of your favorite love song and tell your spouse why it reminds you of him.
5. Make a list of 10 things you love about your spouse or your relationship and post it on your spouse’s Facebook wall or on your own. Make sure you tag your spouse so she doesn’t miss your post! (Tagging is a Facebook feature that gives the ability to reference and identify people in photos, videos, and notes.)
6. Post this on your spouse’s Facebook wall: “In case you didn’t know it …” (Finish the sentence with phrases like, “… we’re having a romantic dinner at home tonight—just the two of us” or “… I am so glad that I married you.”
7. Go to the park, set up a picnic lunch or dinner, and take a video or photo of it. email or text this to your wife, asking her to join you.
8. Set up a blog dedicated to your family. (You may want to protect your privacy by making this for family members only.) Celebrate every week or month by posting milestones, love notes, prayers for one another, and fun photos.
9. Post a free coupon for dinner, dancing, breakfast in bed, a long romantic walk by the lake, a short trip to the beach, or just some unplugged time together. E-mail the coupon to your spouse.
10. Write “I love you, ______” in unique places such as the bathroom mirror, in the snow, or on your arm. Take a photo and post it on his Facebook wall.
11. Once a month write a “Top 5” list for your spouse. Email this or post it in a Facebook note. Examples: Top 5 Reasons Why I Love You, Top 5 Things I Appreciate the Most About You, and Top Five Reasons Why I Thank God for You.
12. Regularly text romantic, funny, inspiring messages to your loved one.
13. Write a romantic poem for your spouse. Then, using Google Translator, translate it into either French or Italian, or any romantic language you choose. Next, email the poem to your spouse with instructions to go to Google Translator and translate it back to English.
14. Send your spouse a romantic, fun e-card to brighten the day. You can find free e-card resources at Blue Mountain or Hallmark.
15. Make an “I love you” poster. Take a picture of your kids holding it, and post this on your spouse’s Facebook wall. Or, have the kids or a friend take a photo of you doing the same.
Adapted from “37 ways to celebrate marriage & love your spouse online.” Copyright 2011 by Toni Birdsong. Used with permission. All rights reserved.