Ayesha Curry Said it For Women Everywhere
Ayesha Curry, wife of NBA star Stephen Curry, recently confessed questions that so many women are asking: Am I pretty enough or good enough? Does anybody notice me?
Every day women throw themselves at her husband, which would be unsettling to any woman. Stephen continues his devotion only to his wife, unphased by the interest. Ayesha though, admitted she has developed a little bit of insecurity from the flock of women giving her husband attention.
Adding to that, she said she hasn’t received the same kind of attention over the last 10 years. Is there something wrong with me? she wondered out loud. Not that she’s begging for something more than what her husband gives her. It’s just that sometimes it’s hard to be the unnoticed one.
For every woman
Ayesha, the women of the world get you. We are all wondering if we’re enough. We’ve all questioned our worth. We’ve all echoed those insecurities. Even though not all of us have been brave enough to confess it to someone else. So thank you for opening up for all of us.
But you, me, all of us, can know for certain that we can be enough because of Christ. That we have worth because of His love. And we have a place to admit and then silence our insecurities.
If we want our confidence to be immovable, we have to work daily to find our identity in Christ. We know we are made in His image, and we are fearfully and wonderfully made (see Genesis 1:27 and Psalm 139:14).
So that I don’t forget who I am, I have to speak these truths over myself regularly. Sometimes daily, hourly, or every time the enemy tries to convince me otherwise.
Ladies, join me in reminding women who we are and the value we hold.
Practice makes perfect
Practice speaking these seven truths about yourself over the next week. Repeat weekly until your confidence is unshakable. We will no longer question our worth because we will find our worth in our never-changing Lord.
Day 1 – “We are God’s Masterpiece” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT).
God created you as a work of art. With specific purposes in mind for you to accomplish. Your life was planned by Him!
Day 2 – God has filled my life with good things. I can trust Him to satisfy me. (See Psalm 103:1-5.)
When I am feeling less than, I can remember He has filled my life with good things. He is the only one who can reverse that feeling of insecurity. I have to choose to trust in Him.
Day 3 – The Lord is my Shepherd. I lack no good thing. (See Psalm 23:1.)
God will give me everything that is good for me. I can trust Him to provide what I need.
Day 4 – “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” (Jeremiah 1:5).
What a good reminder that I have been known and noticed from my mother’s womb! We are each unique. Nothing can compare to me. So I don’t have to get caught in the comparison trap. I am who I am and that is good.
Day 5 – “You did not choose me, but I chose you” (John 15:16).
This statement of Jesus alone should erase all insecurity and insults I ever face. I never have to feel as though I am not good enough for myself, when I am more than enough for my Father to choose. I didn’t choose Him, He chose me!
Day 6 – “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9, NIV).
I am part of God’s chosen and adored people. I don’t have to worry if someone else isn’t choosing me. The God of the universe already has.
Day 7 – “I have redeemed you … You are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
I have a place to belong forever in eternity with God. Feeling lonely or left out here for a little while will pass. This is the best title, the most fulfilling thought, the biggest compliment: I am His.
So for all the Ayeshas, Candices, and females of the world, old and young alike, let’s turn to the affirmation in God’s Word to settle the argument that easily creeps into our minds about our precious worth.
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