National Counseling and Conflict Resolution Organizations
The following lists are provided as information for our constituents. Neither FamilyLife nor FamilyLife Today® endorse, certify, or verify any of the following counselors, counseling organizations, or training resources. The purpose and objectives of the list are strictly informative and educational.
The official position of FamilyLife and FamilyLife Today on Christian counseling is that persons seeking Christian counseling should consult with their pastors and trusted Christian friends in their community first as they seek how to find a Christian counselor or organization that can help meet their needs. For a detailed statement of this position, see the resource, “Finding a Christian Counselor,” which is designed to help constituents or other interested persons find the right counselor.
American Association of Christian Counselors
AACC – https://www.aacc.net
Find a counselor: https://connect.aacc.net/?search_type=distance
Association of Biblical Counselors
ABC – https://christiancounseling.co
Find a counselor: https://christiancounseling.com/network/find-a-counselor/
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
ACBC – https://biblicalcounseling.com
Find a counselor: https://biblicalcounseling.com/counselors/
Biblical Counseling Coalition
BCC – https://www.biblicalcounselingcoalition.org
Find a counselor: https://partners.biblicalcc.org/counselor-map/
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
CCEF – https://www.ccef.org
Find a counselor: https://www.ccef.org/find-a-counselor-near-you/
Christian Association for Psychological Studies
CAPS – https://www.caps.net
Find a counselor: https://www.caps.net/online-directory/
International Association of Biblical Counselors
IABC – http://www.iabc.net
Find a counselor: https://www.iabc.net/counselor
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