Give Your Wife a Mom’s Night Out
Hey, all you dads out there … I have a fabulous idea that will make your wife the happiest she’s been in weeks and make you her hero!
When you get home from work tonight, walk up, throw your arms around her, tell her how much you love and appreciate her, and then tell her to leave.
Now I suspect that she’ll give you a confused look. As soon as that happens, begin to insist, with fervor, that she needs some time to herself. Then tell her to just drop everything and leave. At this point, you may have to pick her up off of the floor because she may have fainted. A little splash of cold water, a big kiss from you, and she’ll be back on her feet in no time.
On occasion, my husband has been known to surprise me with a night out. When he shows me that he has a sincere desire for me to have some time to myself, it truly makes my heart soar. As much as I love my role as wife and mother, and as much as it brings me great satisfaction to care for my family, I love the opportunity to spend time with no real agenda, no real purpose except to just enjoy the evening being Tracey, instead of my husband’s wife or my kids’ mom.
It’s that easy
If you want to go above and beyond you could talk to the husband of one of her dear friends and get him to do the same. Just imagine your wife’s joy when she gets a phone call from her friend, who says, “Can you believe this—I was in the middle of cooking dinner, but he’s insisting I just leave! I’ll pick you up in 30 minutes … let’s just go get a cup of coffee and sit and talk!”
Can you believe it? It’s that easy to be a hero.
And take a moment to think about what you will model for your children—putting someone else’s needs above your own. Look over the words in Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Amazing isn’t it, that a simple night out could say this to your wife?
If you get any pushback from the children because they don’t want Mom to leave, that’s your opportunity to teach them to celebrate their mother. They can be in on all the fun! Get them involved by directing them to help pick out some fun clothes for her to wear! You can be your wife’s number one cheerleader. Your children will see you loving their mother well. How cool is that? Isn’t that legacy worth a night of a little extra hassle for you?
If your wife does not like surprises, talk to her about your desire to do this ahead of time and give her the opportunity to plan what she’d like to do.
Try it and soon after, she may insist on a night in—with you!
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