Romantic Ways to Fan the Flames
People are often surprised to find out that God approves of romance and sex. But God doesn’t just approve of it, He created it for marriage and He encourages it! That’s one reason why He devoted an entire book of the Bible, Song of Solomon, to the theme of romantic love between a husband and wife. Song of Solomon 5:1 says, ” … Drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.” To imbibe means to take in, or absorb. God is inviting us not just to participate in intimacy, but to drink in and enjoy this gift of romantic love that He offers all married couples!
Too often, couples become bored in their relationships because they do little to keep passionate romance alive. It does take time and energy, but the joy you can experience through an intimate and exciting relationship with your spouse is well worth the investment. Still, many of us can use some help getting started in this area. So here are ten creative ways to add some sugar and spice to your marriage.
1. Put the kids to bed early, and get all dressed up for a candle-lit dinner at home. Play soft music and prepare something to eat that you both really like. Make the effort to look especially nice for your spouse!
2. Take a walk at night, holding hands. Stop to look at the stars, and pick out “your” star. Then whenever you see that star in the sky, think about your spouse.
3. Pretend you each have five wishes. Take turns telling each other what you’d wish for. While you probably won’t be able to grant these wishes, let these ideas be inspiration for something special you can do for your spouse.
4. Think of 10 things you love about your spouse, and write those in a love letter. You don’t have to sound like Shakespeare; if it’s sincere, your spouse will think it’s the best thing ever written.
5. Give each other massages. If you want to make it extra special, find a book that teaches how to give massages, and buy massage oil.
6. Wives: Ask you husband to pick out something for you to wear to bed.
7. Husbands: Spend time just holding, cuddling, and talking to your wife without expecting more.
8. Find a gift box or bag that you can pass back and forth to each other with small presents inside (this can include candy, a meaningful letter, tickets to a show—anything at all). Don’t let your spouse know when you’re going to give a gift—let the surprise be part of the fun!
9. On a warm, sunny day, spread out a blanket in a shady spot in the grass somewhere nearby—maybe even in your own yard—and have a picnic lunch. After you eat, lie down on the blanket and look at the sky. Try to find shapes in the clouds. This should open the door to some interesting conversations!
10. Make a coupon book for your spouse. Include coupons for things he likes to do (such as eat at a nice restaurant) or things you will do for him (such as wash the car). Allow him to redeem the coupons whenever he likes.
Remember that the best inspiration we have for creativity is God. He created everything, so He is the Master of creativity! Pray that He will help you to learn ways to please your spouse and keep your relationship fresh and alive.
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