My First Daddy-Daughter Date
I happened to catch a FamilyLife Today® program about daddy-daughter dates, where it was recommended that dads start to date their daughters when they are about 4 or 5 years old. That got my attention because I have a 4-year-old daughter. But the idea of taking her on a date had never crossed my mind.
She has three brothers, including a twin. They are all very close in age. It’s a rough and tumble crowd, but she is my natural-born leader and always right in the middle of the mix. She is smarter, quicker, and can hit just as hard as her brothers. I grew up as one of three rowdy boys, so it honestly did not occur to me that I needed to treat my fiery girl any differently than my wild boys.
But because of the radio program, I went ahead and invited her out on our very first special daddy-daughter date. For nearly three and half hours she talked nonstop over cheeseburgers, fries, and ice cream cones. All I had to do was sit there and look directly into those big blue eyes, smile, nod, and occasionally brush back the stray curl that always seemed to escape from that unruly mop of hers.
Treating her like a little lady
Our date was the first time I had deliberately treated my daughter like a little lady and perhaps the longest amount of time that she had ever had my undivided attention. When we got back home she launched from the cab of my truck and wrapped her little arms tightly around my neck. As she clung to me, unwilling let go, she whispered in my ear, “Thank you, Daddy, for making me feel so special and for being with just me … without the boys!”
I held her for a long time with tears streaming down my face telling her over and over again just how special she was to me and how much I loved her. It was one of the best moments of my life so far … at least until our next date.
Copyright © 2013 by Alan Bar. All rights reserved. Used by permission.