Families Change Families
But the loving kindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children to those who keep His covenant, and who remember His precepts to do them.
–Psalm 103:17-18
As you know, these are exciting times. One of the most exciting things for me to see is the influence that one family who is completely God’s can have on others.
You can see it when a couple receives God’s blueprints for the first time, and they commit their marriage and family to Christ. Then they help other couples do the same.
You can see it when your neighbors notice your lifestyle and ask about the hope that is within. They realize for the first time that a life not lived for God is in vain.
You can see it when children follow their parents’ example by following Christ and leading others to a relationship with Him. You’d probably agree…few things are more exciting than what God can do through a family.
Now, our family has plenty of foibles and frailties to go around. Yet the most important thing we did early on in our marriage and our ministry was to draw up a “title deed” to our lives. Barbara and I signed over ownership of ourselves and everything we have, including our children, to God. We still have the original document securely stored away, and annually we pull it out to remind ourselves of the commitment we made. And we’re now beginning to see that commitment lived out in our children’s lives, too.
But believe me, it hasn’t always looked this great. There have been times when we were emotionally spent—it would be so much easier to throw in the towel. But if we continue to pour our lives and values into our children with God’s help, we’re bound to see positive results.
You see, families don’t “make” a difference. They are the difference. And families who follow God compel other families to do the same.
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