Some days it’s easy to fall into the daily grind. But then I get an email like this, which brings it all rushing back: I see the power of God, and I’m humbled by how he’s working through His people. Check out this story of a marriage coming back from porn and an affair.
About four years ago my marriage was done. This was partly due to me, but mostly due to an affair my wife had.
She will be the first to say how easy it is for even a former pastor’s wife to get caught in the vice of pornography. It is that entanglement which led to the desire to step outside the marriage covenant.
But the grace of God restores our home.
Four years ago I had never heard of FamilyLife Today®. But I heard a broadcast after a friend told me about the program. Needless to say, I have only missed a few broadcasts in four years. I want to safeguard my family in the middle of a tumultuous worldview that would love to destroy what God intended the home to be.
My wife and I have been out of pastoral ministry for six years, but for four years now we have been seeking direction. FamilyLife Today has helped us to see that others need help as much as we did.
And as I had been praying for my wife who had completely given up on wanting to minister ever again, God had been working on her heart. She came to me the other night after our “vertical” time (which actually did lead to some “horizontal” time), and told me she thinks God has been dealing with her for us to minister to other couples.
One of my favorite stops in the building: Ashes from divorce papers. Every sooty little piece represents a marriage God brought back to life.
Four years ago we went to a Weekend to Remember®, and it changed our lives. Did we become perfect? Absolutely not. But we did place Christ and the covenant back in the center of our home.
Thank you so much for what you do. As God enables us, we try to pay for a couple to go to the Weekend to Remember. We have also encouraged many to tune in to FamilyLife Today. Oh, yes: Did I mention my wife and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary? God is good!
This is why we do what we do.
I get all geared up about this. By God’s kindness, FamilyLife changed the trajectory of one more family–and all the generations after it. Kinda gives me goosebumps.
Because no family devastation, no ruin, is too much for God.